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Terms & Conditions





For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and UK data protection laws, the controller Britannia Elevation Capital Ltd.  


About this document


This privacy policy sets out the way we process your personal data as a guest of British Polo Day and to make sure you are aware of how we use your data as a guest of British Polo Day.


How we collect your information


We may collect your personal data in a few limited ways, namely:


  • Directly from you, when you fill in an application to attend or when you interact with us during your time as a guest in various other ways;

  • From someone else who has invited you (for example one of our partners);


The types of information we collect


We may collect the following types of personal data about you:


  • Contact and communications information, including your contact details (including email address(es), telephone numbers and postal address(es), records of communications and interactions we have had with you), date of birth and playing ability / interests;

  • Certain other information which you volunteer.


How we use personal data


Personal data provided to us will be used for the purposes set out at the time of collection and, where relevant, in accordance with any preferences you express.


More generally, we will use your personal data for the following purposes:


  • Administration of British Polo Days.

  • Communication about future events that we think may be of interest to you;

  • We may share your name and photo and some publicly available biographical information with our partners.

  • Storing your details on the software platform we use for British Polo Day



Your marketing preferences


We will always respect your wishes in respect of what type of communications you want to receive from us and how you want to receive them. There are some communications, however, that we need to send you regardless of your marketing preferences in order for us to fulfil our contractual obligations for British Polo Day.


You are in control of how we communicate with you. Please contact with any issues


Sharing your information with others


We do not sell your personal data for other organisations to use.


Personal data collected and processed by us may be shared with the following third parties, where necessary:


  • Our employees and volunteers, for the purposes of administering British Polo Day.

  • Our partners.


How long your information is kept


We keep your personal data only for as long as necessary for each purpose we use it.


Your rights


Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:


  • Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a "data subject access request"). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.

  • Request correction of the personal data that we hold about you. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you corrected.

  • Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us continuing to process it. You also have the right to ask us to delete or remove your personal data where you have exercised your right to object to processing (see below).

  • Object to processing of your personal data where we are relying on a legitimate interest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particular situation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You also have the right to object where we are processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.  You can also withdraw your consent, where this is the basis for our processing your data (without affecting the lawfulness of our previous processing based on consent).

  • Request the transfer of your personal data to another party.


Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.


Contact and complaints


If you have any queries about this privacy policy or how we process your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your legal rights, you may

If you are not satisfied with how we are processing your personal data, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner. You can find out more about your rights under applicable data protection laws from the Information Commissioner’s Office website:







These Conditions apply to all persons attending any British Polo Day Event (Attendees / you).  These Conditions are issued by Britannia Elevation Capital Limited and any affiliates (the Executive / we / us).  Acceptance of these Conditions will result in a legally binding contract between you and us which include the terms of the licence which we have granted to you to attend a British Polo Day Event.


It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these Conditions.


These Terms and Conditions of Entry (these Conditions) apply to all Attendees.  

If you do not understand or have any questions relating to these Conditions you should contact the Executive without delay for clarification.  

Entry to a British Polo Day Event shall be at our discretion.  We reserve the right to refuse entry to or expel any person from a British Polo Day Event who is, whom we reasonably believe to be, or whom to the best of our knowledge has in the past been, in breach of these Conditions.

Our liability under these Conditions is limited.  Please see Condition 14.

The following Conditions apply to all Attendees.



1. The Effect of these Conditions and Variations


1.1 All Attendees who attend a British Polo Day Event (including all surrounding land, car parks and other facilities which are under the ownership and/or control of us) shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions.  Attendees are admitted to a British Polo Day Event strictly subject to these Conditions. There are no exceptions.

1.2 Whilst these Conditions are intended to be comprehensive, Attendees are admitted to a British Polo Day Event on the basis that they will comply with both the letter and the spirit of these Conditions.

1.3 All Attendees are permitted access to a British Polo Day Event at our discretion and must conduct themselves at a British Polo Day Event in accordance with all reasonable rules, requests and guidelines which we may publish and impose from time to time.  We reserve the right to amend and supplement these Conditions by publishing additional and supplementary conditions and guidelines from time to time (Variations). Variations will be effective to vary these Conditions on such basis as we may stipulate and may be of permanent or temporary effect.  Variations will become effective once they have been notified to you.


2. Invitations / Wristbands to enter a British Polo Day Event


2.1 Invitations, wristbands or other entitlement to enter a British Polo Day Event are non-transferable.  They may not be transferred, sold, offered for sale, coupled or bundled with any other product or services or used for any commercial or promotional purpose whatsoever without our consent (which we may withhold in our absolute discretion).  

2.2 Invitations, wristbands or entitlement issued by us or on our behalf shall remain our property at all times.  We reserve the right to require the immediate return of all invitations, wristbands or entitlement at any time.

2.3 These Conditions apply to all Attendees irrespective of whether or not an Attendee has paid for admission and whether or not an Attendee has been issued with a wristband or invitation, document or entitlement to enter a British Polo Day Event.  

2.4 We are entitled to impose these Conditions of entry on wristband-holders, and all other Attendees in addition to any terms and conditions to which a an invitation, wristband or entitlement may have been issued or granted.  Holders of invitations, wristbands or entitlements may only enter a British Polo Day Event subject to these Conditions. In the event of any inconsistency between these Conditions and any terms and conditions upon which any invitation, wristband or entitlement has been issued these Conditions will prevail.

2.5 No refund shall be given in respect of any unused part of any invitation, wristband or entitlement.

2.6 Attendees must ensure that wristbands are securely attached and visible at all times and otherwise show wristbands, and other entitlements to officials at any time upon request.


3. Lost or Stolen Wristbands or Invitations


We accept no responsibility for lost or stolen invitations, wristbands or other entitlements.  A British Polo Day Event has no obligation to replace a lost or stolen invitation, wristband or other entitlement.  In the event that we decide to replace a lost or stolen invitation, wristband or other entitlement we may charge a fee to do so.


4. Access


4.1 Permission to enter a British Polo Day Event does not constitute guaranteed entry to any particular area of a British Polo Day Event or facilities.  We reserve the right to refuse or condition access to areas of a British Polo Day Event from time to time and on a temporary or permanent basis.

4.2 No invitation, wristband or other entitlement gives any Attendee any right to receive, use or exploit any audio, visual or audio-visual coverage of any match or fixture.  Any coverage or data made available at a British Polo Day Event is made available for the personal use and consumption of Attendees only and redistribution to any person outside a British Polo Day Event is strictly prohibited.


5. Conduct of Attendees


5.1 We reserve the right at any time, without prior notice and without providing reasons to refuse admission to or expel any Attendee who, in our reasonable opinion:

5.1.1 has breached or is likely to breach these Conditions and any Variation (as described in Condition 1.3);

5.1.2 has or is likely to commit an offence or otherwise do anything which is unlawful; and/or

5.1.3 behaves or is likely to behave in an unacceptable or unruly manner or in a manner likely to cause offence to other Attendees.

5.2 All Attendees must follow the reasonable written and/or verbal instructions of event staff and officials and the police or other emergency services at all times.  

5.3 In the interests of safety we may request to conduct personal body searches of Attendees and/or search their personal belongings.  We shall be entitled to refuse entry to or expel from a British Polo Day Event any Attendee who refuses to comply with such a request.

5.4 The following items must not be brought onto a British Polo Day Event: knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, drinking glasses, bottles or other glass or similarly breakable containers, cans, poles and any other article that might be used as a weapon and/or may in our reasonable opinion compromise public safety.  Any Attendee in possession of such items will be refused entry to a British Polo Day Event or expelled.

5.5 The following are prohibited on a British Polo Day Event:

5.5.1 flags, banners and other articles and any behaviour which may distract or frighten the horses;

5.5.2 any behaviour which may disrupt or impair the experience of other Attendees;

5.5.3 climbing fences, stands or any other structures or buildings;

5.5.4 throwing any object without lawful authority or excuse;

5.5.5 obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits, entrances, stairways and similar places;

5.5.6 damaging or defacing property; and

5.5.7 smoking in any designated "No Smoking" areas.

5.6 We reserve the right to designate any and all areas of a British Polo Day Event as "No Smoking" Areas from time to time.

5.7 professional cameras/ long lenses


6. Dress Code


We may at our discretion implement a dress code for particular British Polo Day Events, for specific spaces or associated event days on British Polo Day Events and/or any other areas of a British Polo Day Event where a particular dress code is required as specified.  All Attendees must comply with the dress code for any areas of a British Polo Day Event where a dress code may be in force from time to time. We reserve the right to refuse an Attendee access to any area of a British Polo Day Event where a dress code is in force with which the Attendee is not complying. An Attendee may contact the British Polo Day Team to inquire about dress codes.


7. Unauthorised Trading, Advertising, Leafleting and other Commercial or Promotional Activity


7.1 Only those Attendees who have been given express prior permission by us to trade, advertise, distribute leaflets or conduct any other commercial or promotional activities on a British Polo Day Event may do so.  Trading, advertising, leafleting and commercial or promotional activities by all other Attendees is strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to and includes:

7.1.1 any unauthorised invitation, wristband or hawkers; and

7.1.2 any person directly or indirectly involved in the collation and/or distribution of any audio, visual, audio-visual coverage of or data relating to any fixture at a British Polo Day Event which has not been expressly permitted in advance by us.

7.2 We reserve the right to confiscate any equipment, stock or other materials in the possession of any Attendee whilst on a British Polo Day Event who is, or whom we reasonably believe to be, involved in unauthorised trade, advertising, leaflet distribution or other commercial or promotional activities.

7.3 We reserve the right to take such legal action (including where appropriate obtaining injunctive and other relief) against or in respect of any person who is in breach of this Condition 7, who has in the past breached this Condition 7 (or any equivalent prior provision) or whom we reasonably believe will breach this Condition 7.

7.4 Where any unauthorised advertising or other sponsorship, promotional or marketing material is distributed to Attendees outside a British Polo Day Event including but not limited to items of clothing, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any Attendee in possession of such material and to confiscate such material from Attendees within a British Polo Day Event.


8. Betting


No Attendee may lay bets or otherwise conduct any betting or gaming business whilst on a British Polo Day Event.


9. Food and Drink


Attendees are prohibited from taking food, drink, glass bottles and glasses onto any part of a British Polo Day Event except for any areas where this is specifically permitted by us.


10. Use of Camera, Video, Computer and Telecommunications Equipment


Please note:  Non-compliance with the following provisions may constitute a serious breach of these Conditions, as a result of which we may have the right to cancel and withdraw any invitations, wristbands or other entitlements issued to you.  Use of cameras, video equipment, laptop and other computer equipment, mobile telephones and other telecommunications devices at a British Polo Day Event is strictly controlled and limited. You are not permitted to make any commercial use of any audio/visual coverage, still images or data relating to racing at a British Polo Day Event.  

10.1 Save as expressly permitted by these Conditions, no Attendee may use any device, technology or communications system to capture, record, store, broadcast, transmit, make available or otherwise disseminate by digital or any other means any still (including photographic), audio, visual, audio-visual coverage or record of, or any data available at a British Polo Day Event relating to, or any fixture at a British Polo Day Event.  The prohibition shall extend to any coverage or record in any form (including audio/visual and data) of any activity occurring on a British Polo Day Event

10.2 Subject to the following Conditions, Attendees may use devices to capture still images (but not moving images or any audio) in the form of photographs or similar (Stills) for private and domestic use only.  

10.3 By accepting these Conditions you agree that all copyright and other intellectual property rights in any unauthorised Still, audio, visual, audio-visual coverage or collation of data shall be assigned to us.  To the extent that these Conditions are not sufficient to give effect to this assignment you will do all such things and execute all such documents as we may require from time to time to give effect to such assignment.

10.4 We reserve the right to confiscate any camera, video equipment, mobile telephone, radio and any telecommunications or other device (including computer similar equipment) and any media or device upon which any audio/visual content or data may be stored where it has been in the possession or under the control of any Attendee who has breached or is likely to breach this Condition 10 or any person associated with such an Attendee.

10.7 You consent to us or third parties on our behalf, photographing and filming you and using those photographs and footage


11. Personal data


We may choose to contact you regarding future British Polo Day Events and/or share some of your personal data with partners of ours who may contact you regarding similar items of interest.


12. Media Coverage


All Attendees are reminded that some events are given coverage on television, radio and in print and various other forms of media.  By entering a British Polo Day Event Attendees are accepting they may appear in such coverage. Accordingly, Attendees shall have no right to object to their inclusion in any such coverage.  Each Attendee will give any additional consents or waivers required for the unrestricted lawful use of any coverage (if any) without request for payment or imposing any other conditions.


13. Dogs


Dogs are not permitted in any enclosure except for those required for disabled assistance.

Where dogs are permitted they must be kept on leads at all times and must not be allowed to foul anywhere on a British Polo Day Event.

To the extent we are legally able to do so, we reserve the right, if necessary, to force entry into a car to release animals which may be suffering.


14. Loss or Damage


14.1 Any property brought onto a British Polo Day Event by an Attendee remains at all times at the entire risk of the Attendee.  A British Polo Day Event accepts no responsibility for the theft or other loss or damage to Attendees’ property.

14.2 Attendees must accept that, by its very nature, attending a polo event is not without risk.  Attendees must therefore remain vigilant and exercise a reasonable degree of caution and care for themselves and those around them at all times.

14.3 To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law, we shall not be liable for any direct loss arising out of any breach by us of these Conditions where such loss was not reasonably foreseeable by us; nor shall we have any liability for any indirect or consequential loss, damage, costs or expenses, any loss of profits, loss of opportunity or loss of revenue whether foreseeable or not.


15. Parking


All vehicles parked or stored within a British Polo Day Event are parked at the owners risk and a British Polo Day Event accepts no responsibility for such vehicles.


16. Abandoned British Polo Day Events



16.1 A British Polo Day Event may be abandoned at any time in accordance with directions from the police or other emergency services or at our own discretion.  Fixtures and other events may also be delayed or abandoned in other exceptional circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

16.2 In the event of A British Polo Day Event being abandoned, any refunds will be entirely at our own discretion and will take into account fixed costs that we would still be liable for.  We will have no further liability in relation to an abandoned or delayed British Polo Day Event.

16.5 We give no guarantee that any British Polo Day Event will take place; nor do we give any representation or warranty concerning the nature or quality of a British Polo Day Event.

16.6 We shall not be liable to any Attendee if and to the extent that any failure or omission by us results from any event beyond our reasonable control such as, but not limited to, war, acts of terrorism, civil disturbance, any order or act of a governmental or regulatory body, fire, flood, adverse weather conditions, labour dispute, lock-out, disease, epidemic or other circumstances concerning the healthcare or well-being of humans and/or animals.


17. Payment Terms


British Polo Day cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred resulting from the cancellation of any event or fixture


18. Evacuations


In the event of an emergency (bomb scare, fire hazard, etc.) all areas must be evacuated.  Please listen to announcements over the public address system. Any emergency should be reported immediately to a member of a British Polo Day Event staff.


19. Enforcement


We will use our discretion in deciding when to enforce these Conditions.  The nature and complexity of British Polo Day Event operations means that we are unlikely to enforce these Conditions in every instance in which there is a breach.  However, notwithstanding this we nonetheless reserve the right to enforce (without limitation whether by taking practical steps and/or bringing legal proceedings) in every instance where we deem it appropriate.  No failure or delay to enforce, or decision by us not to enforce, should be construed as a waiver of our right to do so.


20. Law


These Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.


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